Phoenix Blogger Shoot Out


I’ve been working with bloggers pretty consistently for well over a year now. Many of you probably don’t know this, but I actually started a blog back in 2014 called The Weathered Palate. I did everything from DIYs to food. I loved blogging, but what I found was that I just wasn’t good at it! I loved taking pictures of the projects and cooking…but that was about it! Now, I leave the blogging up to the bloggers and I just do what I do best, taking pictures.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Bethanie from The Garcia Diaries since the beginning of 2016. She and I have known each other for what seems like forever, or at least since she was in Junior High! I know, right? It’s been so fun supporting her as she has grown her blog. It’s actually my favorite part about working with bloggers. I love supporting other mom’s who are working just as hard as I am at what they love. Not only is it an outlet for ourselves, it’s a way for us to support our families.

Espresso Ever After, Style Fit Fatty and Aubrey Kinch joined Bethanie for our first ever Blogger Shootout. I say, first, because we already have a second one planned! For this shoot, they collaborated with Pink Blush, Leotudes and Chrome Classic (a small shop here in Mesa!) I’d say the colors they chose went absolutely perfect with the Arizona desert.

To shop their looks and more, head to their blogs: The Garcia Diaries Espresso Ever After, Style Fit Fatty and Aubrey Kinch


To shop their looks and more, head to their blogs: The Garcia Diaries, Espresso Ever After, Style Fit Fatty and Aubrey Kinch

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